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Hardware Specifications

Vendor/Brand Technicolor
Model AFM0003TIM
ODM HiSense
ODM Product Code LTE3415-SH+
Chipset Realtek RTL9601CI
Flash 128MB
System Linux 2.6 (Luna SDK 1.9)
HSGMII Yes, but not working with stock firmware
Optics SC/APC
IP address
Web Gui Can be enabled, user admin, password system
Form Factor miniONT SFP
Serial baud 115200
Serial encoding 8-N-1


The stick has a TTL 3.3v UART console (configured as 115200 8-N-1) that can be accessed from the top surface. To accept TX line commands, the GND of the TTL adapter should be attached to the stick’s shield:

Technicolor AFM0003 TTL Pinout
Technicolor AFM0003 TTL Pinout

Hardware Revisions

  • AFM0003TIM (IP address:

List of software versions

  • V1_7_8_220201

List of partitions

dev size erasesize name
mtd0 000c0000 00020000 “boot”
mtd1 00020000 00020000 “env”
mtd2 00020000 00020000 “env2”
mtd3 01800000 00020000 “config”
mtd4 00800000 00020000 “k0”
mtd5 02a40000 00020000 “r0”
mtd6 00800000 00020000 “k1”
mtd7 02a40000 00020000 “r1”
mtd8 00001000 00020000 “Partition_008”
mtd9 00001000 00020000 “Partition_009”
mtd10 00001000 00020000 “Partition_010”
mtd11 00001000 00020000 “Partition_011”
mtd12 00800000 00020000 “linux”
mtd13 02a40000 00020000 “rootfs”

This stick supports dual boot.

k0 and r0 respectively contain the kernel and firmware of the first image, k1 and r1 the kernel and firmware of the second one

Useful files and binaries

Useful files

  • /var/config/lastgood.xml - Contains the user portion of the configuration

  • /var/config/lastgood-hs.xml - Contains the “hardware” configuration (which should not be changed)

  • /tmp/omcilog - OMCI messages logs (must be enabeled, see below)

Useful binaries

  • /etc/scripts/flash - Used to manipulate the config files in a somewhat safe manner
  • xmlconfig - Used for low-level manipulation of the XML config files. Called by /etc/scripts/flash
  • nv - Used to manipulate nvram storage, including persistent config entries via nv setenv/nv getenv
  • omcicli - Used to interact with the running OMCI daemon
  • omci_app - The OMCI daemon
  • diag - Used to run low-level diagnostics commands on the stick

GPON ONU status

Get the operational status of the ONU

diag gpon get onu-state

Querying a particular OMCI ME

# omcicli mib get MIB_IDX

Getting/Setting Speed LAN Mode

To change the link mode use this command:

# /etc/scripts/flash get LAN_SDS_MODE
# /etc/scripts/flash set LAN_SDS_MODE 1
Value cat /proc/kmsg Mode Behavior
1 <4>change mode to 1(Fiber 1G) FIBER 1GbaseX with auto-neg on
2 <4>change mode to 2(SGMII PHY) TP MII 1Gb PHY
3 <4>change mode to 3(SGMII MAC) MII 1Gb MAC
4 <4>change mode to 4(HiSGMII PHY) TP MII 2.5Gb PHY
5 <4>change mode to 5(HiSGMII MAC) MII 2.5Gb MAC

GPON/OMCI settings

Getting/Setting ONU GPON Serial Number

# /etc/scripts/flash get GPON_SN
# /etc/scripts/flash set GPON_SN TMBB0A1B2C3D

Getting/Setting ONU GPON PLOAM password

# /etc/scripts/flash get GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD
# /etc/scripts/flash set GPON_PLOAM_PASSWD AAAAAAAAAA

Getting/Setting OMCI software version (ME 7)

# /etc/scripts/flash get OMCI_SW_VER1
# /etc/scripts/flash set OMCI_SW_VER1 YOURFIRSTSWVER
# /etc/scripts/flash get OMCI_SW_VER2
# /etc/scripts/flash set OMCI_SW_VER2 YOURSECONDSWVER

Getting/Setting OMCI hardware version (ME 256)

# /etc/scripts/flash get HW_HWVER
# /etc/scripts/flash set HW_HWVER MYHWVERSION

Getting/Setting OMCI vendor ID (ME 256)

# /etc/scripts/flash get PON_VENDOR_ID  
# /etc/scripts/flash set PON_VENDOR_ID HWTC

Getting/Setting OMCI equipment ID (ME 257)

# /etc/scripts/flash get GPON_ONU_MODEL
# /etc/scripts/flash set GPON_ONU_MODEL DFP-34X-XXX

Getting/Setting OMCI OLT Mode and Fake OMCI

Configure how ONT Stick handle OMCI from OLT:

# /etc/scripts/flash get OMCI_OLT_MODE
# /etc/scripts/flash set OMCI_OLT_MODE 2
Value Note OMCI Information
0 Default Mode Stock, some value are cannot be change
1 Huawei OLT Mode Huawei MA5671a
3 Customized Mode Custom Software/Hardware Version, OMCC, etc…

Some Fiber Vendor/Wholesale/ISP have explicit LAN Port Number provisioning or proprietary OMCI that ONT Stick cant not understand, this will make ONT Stick reply OK whatever OMCI OLT throw at.

0 = Disable, 1 = Enable, Default is 0

# /etc/scripts/flash get OMCI_FAKE_OK
# /etc/scripts/flash set OMCI_FAKE_OK 1

Advanced settings

Setting management IP

# /etc/scripts/flash get LAN_IP_ADDR
# /etc/scripts/flash set LAN_IP_ADDR

Getting/Setting the L2 Bridge MTU

Getting/Setting the MTU of the L2 bridge

# diag switch get max-pkt-len port all 
Port Speed 
0 1538 
2 2031 
# diag switch set max-pkt-len port all length 2000

Checking the currently active image

# nv getenv sw_active
# nv getenv sw_version0
# nv getenv sw_version1

Booting to a different image

# nv setenv sw_commit 0|1
# reboot

Enabling the Web UI

# /bin/iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP

Transfering files from/to the stick

Works with binary files too, just run md5sum on source and destination to make sure you are not corrupting anything… From the stick to the PC:

# tftp <IP>
tftp> put <filename> <directory>
tftp> q

From the PC to the stick:

# tftp <IP>
tftp> get <filename>
tftp> q

Extracting and repacking the rootfs

# unsquashfs mtd5.bin
# mksquashfs squashfs-root rootfs -b 131072 -comp lzma -no-recovery

Flashing a new rootfs

So mtd4/5 if you are on image1, mtd6/7 if you are on image0.

The following commands are used to flash a new rootfs to image1 and then boot to it

# flash_eraseall /dev/mtd7
# cat /tmp/ > /dev/mtd7
# nv setenv sw_version1 NEW_SOFTWARE_VERSION
# nv setenv sw_commit 1
# reboot

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